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Datastructures in Go

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linked list stack queue tree trie graph

linked list

Linked lists are a data structure that stores data in a linked list of nodes. Linked lists are efficient for storing data that needs to be accessed in a non-sequential order.

To initialize create 2 structs as Linked List and Node

There are 4 primary methods on LinkedList:

  • Create
  • Insert
  • InsertN
  • Remove
  • Reverse
package main

import "fmt"

// Linked List
type LinkedList struct {
	Head   *Node
	Length int

type Node struct {
	Data int
	Next *Node

func main() {

	myl := LinkedList{Head: nil}
	myl.InsertN(4, 3)
	// myl.Delete()
	// myl.deleteN(1)
	// myl.deleteFirst()
	// myl.reverse()


func (l *LinkedList) Create(data int) {
	elem := &Node{Data: data, Next: nil}
	if l.Head == nil {
		l.Head = elem
	} else {
		current := l.Head
		for current.Next != nil {
			current = current.Next
		current.Next = elem

func (l *LinkedList) show() {
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no data")
	} else {
		current := l.Head
		for current != nil {
			current = current.Next

func (l *LinkedList) InsertN(data int, n int) {
	elem := &Node{Data: data, Next: nil}
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no data")
	} else {
		count := 0
		current := l.Head
		for current != nil {
			count += 1
			if count == n {
				k := current.Next
				current.Next = elem
				elem.Next = k
			current = current.Next

func (l *LinkedList) Delete() {
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no data")
	} else {

		current := l.Head
		for current.Next.Next != nil {
			current = current.Next

		current.Next = nil

func (l *LinkedList) deleteN(n int) {
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no data")
	} else {
		count := 0
		current := l.Head
		for current != nil {
			count += 1
			prev := current
			current = current.Next
			if count == n {
				prev.Next = current.Next


func (l *LinkedList) deleteFirst() {

	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no list")
	} else {
		l.Head = l.Head.Next

create node Create method on LinkedList takes integer as data and creates a new node elem. It checks if there is no head then the elem node will be the first node else it goes to all nodes by node.Next and adds the node where the node is nil

reverse linked list To reverse a linked list first check for its head. We need 3 variables of node type as current next and previous. we need to store the value of current and nxt and previous before changing any pointer address. once done then current can move to next node with next varialbe address and point it to pevious node with previous variable

func (l *LinkedList) reverse() {
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no list")
	} else {
		current := l.Head
		var prev *Node
		var next *Node

		for current != nil {
			next = current.Next //first get next location
			current.Next = prev // set next location to prev
			prev = current      //change pointer a -> b to b-> a
			current = next      //move to third pointer
		l.Head = prev //add head pointer to  last block address



func ReverseRecursion(node *Node) {
	p := node
	if p == nil {

Double linked list

package main

import "fmt"

func DoubleLinkListInit() {
	dll := &DoubleLinkList{}

type DoubleNode struct {
	Data int
	Next *DoubleNode
	Prev *DoubleNode

type DoubleLinkList struct {
	Data int
	Head *DoubleNode
	Tail *DoubleNode

func (l *DoubleLinkList) prepend(data int) {
	temp := &DoubleNode{Data: data, Next: nil, Prev: nil}
	if l.Head == nil {
		l.Head = temp
		l.Tail = temp
	} else {
		temp.Next = l.Head
		l.Head.Prev = temp
		l.Head = temp


func (l *DoubleLinkList) append(data int) {
	temp := &DoubleNode{Data: data, Next: nil, Prev: nil}
	if l.Head == nil {
		l.Head = temp
		l.Tail = temp
	} else {
		current := l.Head
		for current.Next != nil {
			current = current.Next
		temp.Prev = current
		current.Next = temp
		l.Tail = temp

func (l *DoubleLinkList) TraverseForward() {
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no lisst")
	} else {
		current := l.Head
		for current != nil {

			fmt.Printf("value = %v, prev = %v, next = %v\n", current.Data, current.Prev, current.Next)
			current = current.Next

func (l *DoubleLinkList) TraverseBackward() {
	if l.Head == nil {
		fmt.Println("no list")
	} else {
		current := l.Tail
		for current != nil {
			fmt.Println(current.Data, current.Next, current.Prev)
			current = current.Prev


Stacks are a data structure that stores data in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) order. This means that the last item that is added to the stack is the first item that is removed.

Stacks can be implenmented using underlying array or linked list. they work on last in first out principal.

package main

import "fmt"

// lifo
// Stack implementaion with slice
type Stack struct {
	Items []int

func main() {

	var mys Stack


the main methods on stacks are Push -> add on top Pop -.> remove from top Peek -> see value on top

stack peek Peek method on stack looks for the last variable in the array and returns int value

func (s *Stack) isEmpty() bool {
	return len(s.Items) == 0

stack push Stack push method takes arguement int and appends it on the last end in case of a array [slice for go]

func (s *Stack) Push(data int) {
	s.Items = append(s.Items, data)

stack pop On using pop method on stack the last value of underlying array and removes it

func (s *Stack) Pop() (int, bool) {
	if len(s.Items) == 0 {
		return 0, false
	} else {
		lastItem := len(s.Items) - 1
		s.Items = s.Items[:len(s.Items)-1]
		return lastItem, true

stack peek stack peek is used to peek the top element in stack without removing it.

func (s *Stack) Peek() int {
	if len(s.Items) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("no stack")
		return 0
	} else {
		lastItem := len(s.Items) - 1
		return lastItem


Queues are a data structure that stores data in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. This means that the first item that is added to the queue is the first item that is removed. Queues are efficient for storing data that needs to be processed in a FIFO order.

Main methods on Queue are Enquque -> adds variable on last Dequque -> takes the first value out

enqueue Enqueue takes the data int and appends it to the underlying slice

Dequeue reads the first item in underlying slice and return and removes it

package main

import "fmt"

// first in first out
// Queue implementation
type Queue struct {
	Items []int

func main() {

	myq := Queue{}


func (q *Queue) enqueue(data int) int {
	q.Items = append(q.Items, data)
	return data


func (q *Queue) dequeue() (int, bool) {
	if len(q.Items) == 0 {
		return 0, false
	} else {
		firstItem := q.Items[0]
		q.Items = append(q.Items[1:])
		return firstItem, true


Trees are a data structure that stores data in a hierarchical structure. Trees are efficient for storing data that has a natural hierarchy, such as the file system on a computer.

Trees can be ok many types Binary tree -> both sides with max 2 nodes Tries -> one node can have multiple nodes

insert treenode To insert data into a tree when we use Insert method. when the data is added then a temp node is created and all the branches are looked such as if the data is small than right node then left node is looked for empty space and vice versa. once a empty node is found then the temp node is added to left if data is small than right.

tree lookup To search if a valeus is in the tree we can use BFS, DFS . Our approach is to look for all the nodes in left then to right . if we find a value that matches the lookup value then we return the value else we return nil

traverse tree Lookup of Binary tree has several methods such as Breadth first search or depth first search. for this approach we can traverse a tree by checking all the nodes from left to right and add the node data into a array.

package main

import "fmt"

type Tree struct {
	Data  int
	Left  *Tree
	Right *Tree

func main() {
	t := &Tree{Data: 50, Left: nil, Right: nil}

	// fmt.Println(t.lenght)
	// fmt.Println(t.Right.Right.Data)
	// fmt.Println(t.Left.Left.Data)
	// fmt.Println(t.Lookup(20))
	// out := Traverse(t)
	// fmt.Println(out)
	out := BFST(t)
	// t.Root.Traverse()
	// print(os.Stdout, t.Root, 0, 'M')


func BFST(tree *Tree) []int {
	result := []int{}
	queue := []*Tree{}
	queue = append(queue, tree)
	return bfstUtil(queue, result)

func bfstUtil(queue []*Tree, result []int) []int {
	if len(queue) == 0 {
		return result

	result = append(result, queue[0].Data)

	if queue[0].Right != nil {
		queue = append(queue, queue[0].Right)
	if queue[0].Left != nil {
		queue = append(queue, queue[0].Left)
	return bfstUtil(queue[1:], result)

func DFS(tree *Tree) []int {
	// mark node visited
	visited := []*Tree{}
	result := []int{}
	visited = append(visited, tree)
	DFSUtil(visited, result)
	return result

func DFSUtil(visited []*Tree, result []int) []int {
	if len(visited) == 0 {
		return result
	result = append(result, visited[0].Data)
	if visited[0].Right != nil {

	return result

func (t *Tree) Insert(data int) *Tree {
	temp := Tree{Data: data, Left: nil, Right: nil}
	if t.Data == 0 {
		t.Left = &temp
		return &temp
	} else {
		current := t
		for {
			if data < current.Data {
				// left
				if current.Left == nil {
					current.Left = &temp
					return current
				current = current.Left
			} else {
				// right
				if current.Right == nil {
					current.Right = &temp
					return current

				current = current.Right

func (t *Tree) Lookup(data int) *Tree {
	if t == nil {
		fmt.Println("non tree")
	} else {
		current := t
		for current != nil {
			if data < current.Data {
				current = current.Left
			} else if data > current.Data {
				current = current.Right
			} else if current.Data == data {
				return current
	return nil

// in order Traverse
func Traverse(root *Tree) []int {
	if root == nil {
		return nil
	output := make([]int, 0)
	left := Traverse(root.Left)
	right := Traverse(root.Right)

	output = append(output, left...)
	output = append(output, root.Data)
	output = append(output, right...)
	return output


package main

import "fmt"

//Declaring trie_Node  for creating node in a trie
type trie_Node struct {

	//assigning limit of 26 for child nodes
	childrens [26]*trie_Node

	//declaring a bool variable to check the word end.
	wordEnds bool

//Initializing the root of the trie
type trie struct {
	root *trie_Node

//inititlaizing a new trie
func trieData() *trie {
	t := new(trie)
	t.root = new(trie_Node)
	return t

//Passing words to trie
func (t *trie) insert(word string) {
	current := t.root
	for _, wr := range word {
		index := wr - 'a'
		if current.childrens[index] == nil {
			current.childrens[index] = new(trie_Node)
		current = current.childrens[index]
	current.wordEnds = true

//Initializing the search for word in node
func (t *trie) search(word string) int {
	current := t.root
	for _, wr := range word {
		index := wr - 'a'
		if current.childrens[index] == nil {
			return 0
		current = current.childrens[index]
	if current.wordEnds {
		return 1
	return 0

//initializing the main function
func main() {
	trie := trieData()
	//Passing the words in the trie
	word := []string{"aqua", "jack", "card", "care"}
	for _, wr := range word {
	//initializing search for the words
	words_Search := []string{"aqua", "jack", "card", "care", "cat", "dog", "can"}
	for _, wr := range words_Search {
		found := trie.search(wr)
		if found == 1 {
			fmt.Printf("\"%s\"Word found in trie\n", wr)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf(" \"%s\" Word not found in trie\n", wr)


Graphs are a data structure that stores data in a network of nodes and edges. Graphs are efficient for storing data that can be represented as a network, such as the social network of friends and family.

Graph can be weighted, directed or cyclic.

There are ways to represent graphs Adjecent Matrix -> 2d matix Adjecent list -> used moostly because of better o(n) Incedence matrix

add and get vertex

add edge

show graph

package main

import (

type Vertex struct {
	Key      int
	Vertices []*Vertex

type Graph struct {
	vertices []*Vertex

func main() {
	g := Graph{}

	g.add_edges(1, 2)
	g.add_edges(1, 3)
	g.add_edges(2, 3)

func (g *Graph) add_vertices(v int) {
	temp := &Vertex{Key: v}
	g.vertices = append(g.vertices, temp)

func (g *Graph) get_vertex(k int) *Vertex {
	for _, v := range g.vertices {
		if v.Key == k {
			return v
	return nil

// add edges to each verteses
func (g *Graph) add_edges(to, from int) {
	// change int to vertices
	toVertex := g.get_vertex(to)
	fromVertex := g.get_vertex(from)
	// in graph teake to and from points
	for _, v := range g.vertices {
		if v.Key == toVertex.Key {
			toVertex.Vertices = append(toVertex.Vertices, fromVertex)
			// append from.vertices to to


// print all vertex and list of related vertexes

func (g *Graph) showGraph() {

	for _, v := range g.vertices {
		fmt.Printf("%v", v.Key)
		for _, e := range v.Vertices {
			fmt.Printf("--> %v", e.Key)
	// return nil